Dynamic features and mechanisms of shallow groundwater in the downstream of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve
LIU Xiao-dong, ZHOU Guo-yi*, ZHANG De-qiang, MENG Ze, ZHANG Qian-mei
1. South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China
How climate warming and precipitation pattern change affect hydrological processes is a challenging problem which has attracted great attention universally. However it's extremely essential to remove the effects of human activity and land use change when dealing with its underlying mechanisms. Based on the long-term data monitored by the groundwater well in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, we attempted to elaborate the patterns, trends and dynamic mechanisms of the shallow groundwater table at intra- and inter-annual time scales in this intact forested watershed. The main conclusions were as follows. During the period of 2000-2009, the annual mean groundwater table in Dinghushan increased significantly from -2.27 m to -1.81 m with a rapidity of 0.043 m·a-1 (p = 0.005). The groundwater table in dry and wet season was (-1.87±0.23) m and (-2.25±0.15) m, respectively, which was significantly higher in wet seasons than in dry season (p < 0.001). Further analysis indicated that the notable uptrend of annual mean groundwater table was mainly attributed to the significant increase of groundwater table in wet season (p = 0.002), while the dry season groundwater table changes were not significant with the time (p = 0.190). CV(coefficient of variation) of daily groundwater table (CVwt = 0.20) was less than the precipitation (CVp = 2.77) obviously; meanwhile, the groundwater table depth of the eastern watershed in Dinghushan was significantly correlated to the total precipitation of 40 days before. The change of groundwater level could not be explain by the changed precipitation (p = 0.294) in the same period, and the precipitation pattern change was analyzed to be the basic reason for the increased groundwater table. In the context of global warming and precipitation pattern change, this study conveys a denotative meaning in assessing the groundwater resources dynamic.
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