Spatial pattern of Nitraria Tangutorum shrub islands based on transect
YU Chun-tang1,2, CI Long-jun2, YANG Xiao-hui2, YIN Wei-lun1
1. Forestry College of Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Silvicultural Lab. of State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100091, China
The Nitraria tangutorum shrub islands,which locate on the ecotone between the bank of Yellow River and the Kubuqi Desert,were degraded to a certain extent because of various damages.The degree of this fragmentation can be indicated by their spatial pattern.We used TTLQV,3TLQV,tQV,wavelets,fractal dimension,spectral analysis and lacunarity analysis to analyze the spatial pattern of the Nitraria tangutorum shrub islands in north of Ordos Pleateu.Our goal was to choose the best method to analyze the spatial pattern of Nitraria tangutorum shrub islands in arid and simi-arid region and to determine the scale of the Nitraria tangutorum shrub islands in our study area,and then to provide scientific information for protection of Nitraria tangutorum shrub islands.After analyzing the continuous quadrat data by different methods,we can get the following results: 1) The scale value analyzed by TTLQV was too big and was too small by wavelets analysis,and the trend of the results analyzed by fractal dimension was not clear except too small.So TTLQV,wavelets and fractal dimension were not fit to analyze the spatial pattern of the shrub islands in arid and semi-arid region.2) The results analyzed by 3TLQV,tQV,spectral analysis and lacunarity analysis were ideal,and the order of the scale value from these methods was: 3TLQV> tQV> lacunarity analysis > spectral analysis.3) Integrating the valid analysis methods,the scale of the spatial pattern of the Nitraria tangutorum shrub islands in Duguitala,Huhemudu and Balagong were about 16.7-27.1 m,10.2-25.0 m and 8.8-17.0 m respectively.The results will help to determine the study range and the scale of the Nitraria tangutorum shrub islands in future.
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