Leaching process of leaf litter in running water and lentic water in subtropical China
CHI Guo-liang1,2, TONG Xiao-li1
1. College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; 2. Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Ecology, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
To investigate the leaching process in the prophase of leaf litter decomposition in water in subtropical region of China, we studied the leaching mass losses of leaf litter of 8 common species in Guangzhou in lentic or running water. The results showed that the rate of dry mass loss of leaf litter of all species whether in lentic water or in running water were significantly higher in the first day than in other days (P<0.05), but the difference of leaf species might lead to different leaching mass losses. The leaching rate of Dracontomelon duperreanum whose leaves are soft and thin-coriaceous was significantly higher than those of other species (27.0% lost in running water, 24.2% in lentic water), and the leaching rate of Podocarpus nagi whose leaves are rigid and coriaceous was the lowest (9.8% in running water, 8.0% in lentic water). There was no significant difference in the rate of dry mass loss in the 2nd day and 3rd day, which suggested the leaching might finish. Summarily, the leaching phase of leaf litter in subtropical zone lasted out for one day whether in lentic water or in running water.
迟国梁1,2, 童晓立1*. 亚热带地区树叶凋落物在流水和静水环境中的淋溶规律[J]. , 2010, 29(1): 50-55.
CHI Guo-liang1,2, TONG Xiao-li1. Leaching process of leaf litter in running water and lentic water in subtropical China. , 2010, 29(1): 50-55.
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