Based on RS and GIS technology,incorporating topographic maps and Landsat MSS and TM data,the dynamic characteristics of landscape patterns were analyzed in Huanan County,Sanjiang Plain from 1954 to 2005.In addition,driving forces affecting these changes were also explored.Results showed that,during the past 50 years,landscape patterns have undergone significant changes.Cropland and woodland are the two biggest landscape types.After 1986,cropland have become the biggest landscape type of the study area.During the period 1954~1976,cropland increased fast,mainly converted from grassland and swampland.From 1976 to 1986,lots of swampland and woodland were transformed into cropland.Changing trend of landscape area was lessened.Landscape indices changed remarkably in the past decades.Large-scale agricultural development was responsible for changes of landscape indices.Climate warming and increase of human activities affected regional landscape patterns.
王宗明, 宋开山*, 刘殿伟, 张柏, 张树清, 李方, 刘焕军. 三江平原桦南县景观格局时序变化与驱动因素研究[J]. , 2007, 26(5): 401-407.
WANG Zong-ming, SONG Kai-shan, LIU Dian-wei, ZHANG Bai, ZHANG Shu-qing, LI Fang, LIU Huan-jun. Changes in landscape patterns and driving forces in Huanan County, Sanjiang Plain, over the past 50 years. , 2007, 26(5): 401-407.
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