Ecosystem health is a new field based on the integration and infiltration of natural science,social science and health science.It deals with implementing strategies in natural resources,environmental management and the relationship between ecosystem health and human health.Ecosystem health is an important premise for human health and the sustainable development of society.As recognition about the dependence of human health and well-being on ecosystem functions and services is being strengthen, it is necessary to understand the linkages and interdependencies among biodiversity(the species that make up the structure of ecosystems)and ecosystem health(the functioning and performance of the ecosystem)and human health(the functioning and well-being of the dominant species in the current global ecosystem).Understanding these linkages is a necessary condition for achieving globar sustainability.In this paper,the origination and advancement of ecosystem health are reviewed as well as the concept and main research contents.The effect of changes in biodiversity on ecosystem health under the human alteration of global environmental change is reviewed.
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