Avifauna and Bird Resources in Mount Yangtai Forest Park of Shenzhen City
QIU Chun-romg1, ZHUANG Ping-di2, CHANG Hong3
1. Forestry Work Station of Xiamen City, Fujian, Xiamen 361012, China; 2. Protection Station of Wildlife in Shenzhen, Guangdou Shenzhen 518001, China; 3. School of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
The avifauna and bird resources in mount Yangtai forest park of Shenzhen City were surveyed from January to December 2006. There are 105 species 79 genera 36 families and 14 orders which include 65 species of resident, 8 of summer types, and 33 of winter types. The avifauna is composed of 64 Oriental realmspecies (61.0%), 33 Palaearctic realmspecies (31.4%) and 8 Eurytopic species (7.8%). Among breeding birds, the rate of the Palaearctic species and Oriental species is 1:1.9, which showes more characseristics of Oriental realm.