In April 2005 and November 2004, leave sulfer content of 116 garden plant species from 9 sampling sites in Shenzhen City, Guangdong was measured. Among the sampled plants, five species had a higher sulfer content over 10 mg·m-3, 12 species with a content from 5 to 10 mg·m-3, sulfer content for other species were lower than 5 mg·m-3. This result showed that these plants used for garden plantation can absorb sulfer from atmosphere and have a ability to remove sulfer from atmosphere. There is a positive correlation between SO2 concentration in the air and the sulfur content in the leaves of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Bougainvillea spectabilis willd, while a negative relationship between sulfur content in the air and the sulfur content in the leaves of Murraya paniculata. An obvious seasonal dynamics was observed in the sulfur contents of plant leaves, which is higher in early spring than autumn.
[5] Balsberg-Paehlsson A-M.1988.Effects of heavy-metal and SO2 pollution on the concentration of carbohydrates and nitrogen in tree leaves[J].Canadian Journal of Botany,67:2106-2113.