The periphyton community structure in the source of Fenhe River,North China was investigated.The results showed that there were 47 species and 24 genera in this area.They were belonging to 5 phyla,including Cyanophyta,Rhodophyta,Xanthophyta,Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta.There were 5 types of periphyton community in the source of Fenhe River,namely Oscillatoria community,Cladophora community,Vaucheria community,Spirogyra-Zygnema community and Batrachospermum community.The composition,diversity and structure characters of periphyton were studied in this area.The relationships of the altitude,velocity and the number of the periphyton were also analyzed.The outcome indicated that the number of periphyton was negatively correlated with velocity,but has no relationship with altitude.The results also suggested the species of periphyton and the characteristic of community and could provide the basic information for environmental protection.
冯佳, 谢树莲*. 汾河源头周丛藻类植物群落结构特征[J]. , 2007, 26(5): 408-414.
FENG Jia, XIE Shu-lian. Characteristerics of periphyton community in the source of Fenhe River, North China. , 2007, 26(5): 408-414.
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