Eutrophication often leads to the increase in biomass of blue-green algae,resulting in water quality deterioration.Community structure of blue-green algae in relation to water environments was investigated in six lake areas of Huizhou West Lake,a shallow tropical lake from February to December,2011.The results showed that there was no dominant cyanobacteria species in Yuanmiaoguan and Nannanhu;while Merismopedia glauca and Limnothrix sp.were the dominant species in Pinghu and M.glauca was the dominant species in Nanfenghu,Beifenghu and Beinanhu.The abundance and biomass of cyanobacteria changed seasonally in Pinghu,Beifenghu,Nanfenghu and Beinanhu.The correlation analysis showed that nitrogen and phosphorus controlled the biomass of cyanobacteria in Huizhou West Lake in summer,and in winter the relationship between cyanobacterial biomass and nitrogen,or phosphorus was not significant due to low water temperature.
周敏, 刘正文*. 氮、磷对热带浅水湖泊惠州西湖蓝藻的控制[J]. , 2012, 31(2): 115-120.
ZHOU Min, LIU Zheng-wen. Nitrogen and phosphorus control the cyanobacteria of Huizhou West Lake, a tropical shallow lake. , 2012, 31(2): 115-120.
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