The quantitative analysis on dominant species in the process of sand-mining wetland restoration was studied. A total of 21 dominant species of niche breadth and niche overlap were measured in the Xizhuojiaying area. The results showed that mesophyte Artemisia lavandulifolia, Inula japonica, Potentilla supina, Artemisia scoparia, Bidens pilosa occupied a wide niche width, and distributed relatively widely. Phragmites australis and Eleocharis congesta wetland plants niche width was slightly smaller; wetland plants Typha orientalis, Typha minima, Zizania aquatic, Lythrum salicaria occupied narrow niches. The niches overlap index indicated there were 78 species counterparts having niche overlaps, accounting for 57.4% of the total 136, which indicated that niche overlap was prevalent among dominant species. In other words, half of plant populations had similarities in the use of resources. In general, niche overlap was larger with the wider population niche, and niche overlap was larger with more similar ecological characteristics as well. The results of this study will provide a scientific support for sand-mining wetland restoration.
崔丽娟, 李伟, 赵欣胜, 朱利, 张曼胤, 王义飞. 采砂迹地型湿地恢复过程中优势种群生态位研究[J]. , 2013, 32(1): 73-77.
CUI Li-juan, LI Wei, ZHAO Xin-sheng, ZHU Li, ZHANG Man-yin, WANG Yi-fei. Niche of dominant species in the process of sand-mining wetland restoration. , 2013, 32(1): 73-77.
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