Remote sensing has become one of the most important tools to detect and monitor harmful algal blooms(HABs) events in coastal waters.This paper reviews the recent progress on satellite remote sensing techniques for HAB detection and monitoring,especially the hyperspectral remote sensing.Because the signals detected by the satellite sensors can be significantly affected by atmospheric attenuation or clouds,the atmospheric correction is necessary.In atmospheric correction process,the water-leaving irradiance(Lw) was derived and atmosphere and ocean surface effects were removed.At the same time,the oceanographic studies of HAB were conducted.The authors suggest that the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) data provide an unprecedented tool for researchers and managers to study and monitor HAB in coastal environments.Finally,three key points for developing the application are proposed,(1) assimilating multi-sources remote sensing data,including microwave data and multi-temporal optical data,(2) combining Geographic Information System techniques to HAB monitoring,and(3) enhancing the research for HAB early warning.
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