Chaetoceros curvisetus,which is a red-tide alga,was cultured with f/2 culture medium,and studied at two salinity levels(25 and 30),four temperature levels(15℃,2 0℃,2 5℃ and 30 ℃),three light intensity levels(29.3 μE·m-2·s-1,78.12 μE·m-2·s-1 and 126.95 μE·m-2·s-1),and three pH levels(7.0,7.5 and 8.3).The specific growth rates of Chaetoceros curvisetus in exponential growth phase under different culture conditions were also calculated,to address the effects of environmental factors,such as temperature,light intensity,salinity and pH on the growth of Chaetoceros curvisetus..Moreover,an interaction test between the light intensity and the salinity was studied at three light intensity levels(29.3 μE·m-2·s-1,78.12 μE·m-2·s-1 and 126.95 μE·m-2·s-1) and two salinity levels(25 and 30).The results showed that the best growth condition was at 20℃,78.12 μE·m-2·s-1 of illumination,0 of salinity and 8.3 of pH,for the maximum specific growth rate and the cell density were highest in this condition;the effect of temperature on algal growth was more significant than that of salinity,light intensity and pH,and the algal growth was restrained by other environmental factors referred in this experiment.
茅华, 许海, 刘兆普*. 温度、光照、盐度及pH对旋链角毛藻生长的影响[J]. , 2007, 26(5): 432-436.
MAO Hua, XU Hai, LIU Zhao-pu. Effects of water temperature, illumination, salinity and pH on the growth of Chaetoceros curvisetus. , 2007, 26(5): 432-436.
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