Study on the engineering which utilize plants multilevel purifying and treatment pollutants of water and landscape construction in rivers of Guangzhou
HUANG Yu-yuan1, LI Qiu-xia2, HE Liu-jing1, LEI Ze-xiang3, CHEN Qiu-li2
1. College of Life Sciences, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China; 2. Urban Construction College, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China; 3. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China
The paper carried out analysis to the status of pulltion and essentiality and necessity which shall carry out integration treatment and control to pullotion of water system, and made explore to the reason that single relied to sewage treatment factory treating sewage, however the effect was lower in Guangzhou in past time. At the same time, the reason, necessity and feasibility that construct the stereoscopic system which utilize plants to multilevel treat and purge pollutant were carried out analysis. In aspect of technology on implement the ecological engineering, especially in accordance with the situation of soil resource tighting in Guangzhou, which is difficult to build large plant oxygenation pool inside sewage treatment factory, put forwarded that build the plant purifying systems in every river or rivulet which is priority to higher plant, and those need notice major technical measures were dissertated, in respect of these engineering measures can improve water ecological system, realize favorable landscape benefit and ecological benefit were carried out further discussion. In the past, in aspect of utilize hydrophyte to purge swage in every region, mostly or basic were utilized in lake or pool, water flowage speed of these palce was very slow or approximate to static status. Whereas, authors put forwarded viewpoint and strategy is that build plentiful plant purifying system directness in water flowage speed faster river of city.
黄玉源1, 李秋霞2, 何柳静1, 雷泽湘3, 陈秋丽2. 利用植物多级净化广州污染河涌水体及景观修复设想[J]. , 2010, 29(1): 91-96.
HUANG Yu-yuan1, LI Qiu-xia2, HE Liu-jing1, LEI Ze-xiang3, CHEN Qiu-li2. Study on the engineering which utilize plants multilevel purifying and treatment pollutants of water and landscape construction in rivers of Guangzhou. , 2010, 29(1): 91-96.
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