采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术分析测定了6个狍(Capreolus Pygargus)种群的分子遗传特征.遗传分析表明:狍迎春种群具有较低的单倍型多样性(H=0.622±0.138)和核苷酸多样性(π=0.386±0.00383),图强种群具有较高的单倍型多样性(H=0.857±0.044)和核苷酸多样(π=2.580±0.01914),Tajima'sD和Fu and Li'sD值检测结果表明这6个狍种群相对于中性进化的歧异度并没有明显的偏离(P>0.1);相关性分析表明:狍遗传多样性与纬度(r=0.770)和海拔(r=0.719)呈显著正相关,与年平均气温(r=-0.519)和无霜期(r=-0.652)呈显著负相关,与经度(r=-0.258)和年平均降水量(r=-0.205)呈显著的不相关.
We used polymerase chain react ion (PCR) to analyze mtDNA control region gene of 65 individuals from six populations. The results showed that there were lower haplotype diversity (H=0.622±0.138) and nucleotide diversity (π=0.386±0.00383) in Yingchun population, higher haplotype diversity (H=0.857±0.044) and nucleotide diversity (π=2.580±0.01914) in Tuqiang; Neither the estimate of Tajima's D nor that of Fu and Li's D deviated significantly from the neutral selection hypothesis (P>0.1) for six populations, showing no evidence of strong selective sweeps or balancing selection. Correlation analysis shows the genetic diversity was significant positive correlation with latitude (r=0.770) and altitude (r=0.719), significant negative correlation with annual average temperature (r=-0.519) and frostless days (r=-0.652), no significant correlation with longitude (r=-0.258) and annual precipitations (r=-0.205).
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