Species diversity of plant communities in Guangzhou Yuexiu park were studied by using the classic plot sample survey method (38 plots, the total survey area is 15200 m2). 4 types of forest community can be obtained by using a Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN):Bambusa chungi+Cinnamomum burmannii community, Casuarina equisetifolia+Litsea monopetala community, Livistona chinensis community and Bambusa textiles+Manikara zapota community. The Simpson diversity index of the above communities are as follows:15.431, 2.652, 9.387 and 13.665; Shannon-Wiener diversity index are:2.071,1.016,0.991 and 2.263; Pielou evenness index are:0.410, 0.225, 0.212 and 0.434. Overall, the species diversity of shrub layer was the highest and the arbor layer was higher compared to the herb layer. Through the above analysis, the future construction should pay attention to the perfection of vegetation type, enriching the vertical structure, increasing the diversity as well as the stability of plant communities.
朱纯, 熊咏梅, 代色平, 贺漫媚. 广州越秀公园植物群落物种多样性研究初报[J]. , 2010, 29(1): 45-49.
ZHU Chun, XIONG Yong-mei, DAI Se-ping, HE Man-mei. A preliminary research on species diversity of plant communities in the Yuexiu park, Guangzhou. , 2010, 29(1): 45-49.
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