Sediments from ponds with and without algal blooms were sampled for a comparison study,and the vertical distribution of NH4+-N、NO3--N and PO43--P within the interstitial water were analyzed,as well as the microbial activity(FDA) and alkaline phosphatase (APA) in surface sediments.The results showed the concentration of NH4+-N increased from superficial waters to interstitial waters in both types of sediments,indicating a risk of NH4+-N releasing from interstitial waters.However,the concentrations of NO3--N and PO43--P decreased.The decreasing trend was observed for organic matter content(reflected by Loss-on-Ignition,LOI),FDA activity,and APA in the top 10 cm sediments.Correlation analyses showed that the concentration of NH4+-N in interstitial waters was positively correlated with the activities of FDA and APA in surface sediments(0-10cm),suggesting that the effect of microbe on N decomposition and mineralization was mainly influenced by the activities of APA and FDA in an anaerobic environment.
孙芳, 郑忠明*, 陆开宏, 翟海佳, 邵路路. 底泥微生物活性对蓝藻水华水柱及沉积物间隙水氮磷分布的影响[J]. , 2011, 30(3): 217-222.
SUN Fang, ZHENG Zhong-ming, LU Kai-hong, ZHAI Hai-jia, SHAO Lu-lu. Microbe activities in the sediment and its influences on N、P distribution of algae bloom water column and interstitial waters. , 2011, 30(3): 217-222.
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