Human dimensions of coastal ecosystem restoration in the decision-making
HUANG Chang-zhi1, REN Hai2
1. CDFG/OSPR/Scientific Division P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090, USA; 2. South China Botanical Garden Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650 China
There are diverse and dynamic social values for natural resources in coastal ecosystems. Conversely,these social values play a role in natural resource policy and management. Failure to address human dimensions goals has been seen in many coastal restoration projects. This review provides a discussion of 10 human dimensions goals. These include:to develope coastal recreation and tourism;to enhance community investment;to enhance educational opportunities;to protect or improve human health;to protect traditional,cultural and historic values;to enhance non-marked values and improve aesthetic values;to improve general market activity;to reduce property damage/enhance property value;to enhance transportation and commerce;to improve commercial fisheries and shellfisheries.
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