Based on the data obtained from 12 cruises from 2002 to 2003 in the Pearl River estuary, species composition, dominant species succession, abundance variations and environmental factors influence on planktonic copepods were examined. The Pearl River estuary can be divided into three regions according to its surface salinity, region I(salinity<25), region Ⅱ(salinity from 25 to 30) and region Ⅲ(salinity>30). Results showed that total 65 species were identified. The number of zooplankton species was higher in regions Ⅱ and Ⅲ than that in region I. The average abundance of copepods in the Pearl River estuary was 118 ind·m-3. It was higher in regions Ⅱ (165 ind·m-3) and I (129 ind·m-3) than that in region Ⅲ (62 ind·m-3), and it was also higher in spring and summer than that in winter. Dominant species presented obvious regional and temporal patterns. Another result from 9 cruises carried out in region I showed that copepods abundance differed monthly and generally increased from the inner to the outer of the estuary. Salinity was an important factor influencing species composition, distribution and abundance of copepods in the Pearl River estuary.
李开枝, 尹健强, 黄良民, 宋星宇. 珠江口浮游桡足类的生态研究[J]. , 2007, 26(2): 97-102.
LI Kai-zhi, YIN Jian-qiang, HUANG Liang-min, SONG Xing-yu. Study on planktonic copepods ecology in the Pearl River estuary. , 2007, 26(2): 97-102.
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