Effect of copper stress on the growth and physiological characteristics of leaves in Sophora japonica seedlings
LI Yong-jie1, LI Ji-yue2, FANG Xiao-juan1, ZHANG Kuan-yi3
1. The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China; 3. Hebei Research Institute of Investigation & design of water conservancy & hydropower, Shijiazhuang 050081, China
We studied the effect of copper stress on the growth and some leaves physiological indexes of Sophora japonica under different concentration treatments by using pot-culture method. The results showed that:the plant height and ground diameter of Sophora japonica exhibited an increasing trend followed by declining with increasing copper stress. When the concentration of copper were 1000 mg·kg-1, the plant height and ground diameter had an extremely significantly difference respectively in comparison with control. When the concentration of copper lower than 500 mg·kg-1, the chlorophyll contents increased rapidly, exhibiting an increasing tendency, and there were no significant difference in comparison with control. The proline contents and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity increased rapidly, significantly different from the control, and exhibited some adaptability. With increasing concentrations of copper stress (>500 mg·kg-1), the contents of chlorophyll and activities of SOD decreased remarkably, and the MDA, relative conductivity and proline contents ascended sharply, indicating Sophora japonica suffer significant injury.
李永杰1, 李吉跃2*, 方晓娟1, 张宽义3. 铜胁迫对国槐幼苗生长及叶片生理特性的影响[J]. , 2010, 29(1): 35-38.
LI Yong-jie1, LI Ji-yue2, FANG Xiao-juan1, ZHANG Kuan-yi3. Effect of copper stress on the growth and physiological characteristics of leaves in Sophora japonica seedlings. , 2010, 29(1): 35-38.
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