Effects of bioturbation by freshwater snail,Bellamya aeruginosa,on the contents of C,N and P in sediment and pore water in blue-green algal bloom waters
Lü Jing, ZHENG Zhong-ming, LU Kai-hong, SUN Si-zhi
Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
Microcosms were established in the laboratory.The experiment comprised of three treatment groups and one control group, which were set up by using different density of Bellamya aeruginosa.The results showed that bioturbation of B.aeruginosa had obvious effects on the concentration of organic matter at the depth of 0-0.5 cm and 0.5-2 cm from the surface layer of sediments.And the rate of C:N was decreased significantly(p<0.05).The concentrations of NH4+-N at the depth of 0-0.5cm and 0.5-2 cm surface layer of pore water in treatment 3 and treatment 2 groups were significantly different from those in control group,respectively(p<0.05).There was a significant difference in pore water NO2--N+NO3--N concentrations at 0-0.5 cm,0.5-2 cm and 2-4 cm depth layers between treatment groups and control group(p<0.05).The concentration of DIP increased first and then decreased with sediment depth,and the concentration reached a maximum value at 2-4 cm depth.The DIP concentration in pore water of surface layer(0-0.5 cm) of treatment groups was significantly different from that of control group(p<0.05).The results indicated that bioturbation of B.aeruginosa could increase the content of organic matter on sediment surface and simultaneously reduce sediment stability.
吕敬, 郑忠明*, 陆开宏, 孙思志. 铜锈环棱螺生物扰动对“蓝藻水华”水体底泥及其间隙水中碳、氮、磷含量的影响[J]. , 2010, 29(6): 538-542.
Lü Jing, ZHENG Zhong-ming, LU Kai-hong, SUN Si-zhi. Effects of bioturbation by freshwater snail,Bellamya aeruginosa,on the contents of C,N and P in sediment and pore water in blue-green algal bloom waters. , 2010, 29(6): 538-542.
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