The characteristics of exotic plant invasion and their consequences in China were reviewed.Multiple Ecosystems were more sensitive to the invasion of exotic plants.Exotic plants have invaded various areas and habitats,so they account for high proportion of flora in China.Plant invasions bring about damage not only to development of economy,but also to eco-safety and social stability.It is urgent to carry out research on invasion biology and invasion ecology systematically to investigate invasion mechanism of exotic plants,and then formulate laws and rules to prevent invasion by exotic plants.
杨期和*, 叶万辉, 邓雄, 许凯扬. 我国外来植物入侵的特点及入侵的危害*[J]. , 2002, 21(3): 269-274.
Yang Qihe, Ye Wanhui, Deng Xiong, Xu Kaiyang. Characteristics of exotic plant invasion and their damages in China. , 2002, 21(3): 269-274.
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