Acute toxicity of DMS to fish,alga and aquatic crustaceas was studied in order to evalue the effects of DMS on marine organisms and ecosystems.Results showed that DMS was toxic to aquatic organisms.The 3h,6h,9h,12 h and 24h LC50values of DMS to Gambusia affinis were 34.1,23.4,22.4,20.2 and 19.1 mg·L-1respectively.The 6h,9h,12 h and 24h EC50values of DMS to Ceriodaphnia reticulata were 47.7,21.4,18.0 and 12.3 mg·L-1 respectively.The 96h IC50value of DMS to the growth of Platymonas elliptica was 18.3 mg·L-1.From the result,we suggest that DMS in natural level has some toxic effects on aquatic organisms,but with no significant acute toxic effects.
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