Fejervarya limnocharis was used as a model animal, and its activities were investigated in the farmland of Tuchang Village of Bishan Town, Rui’an Wenzhou of Zhejiang Province for one month, so as to study the influence of post-hibernation and temperature on the activity and body size of F. limnocharis. Our results are as follows. (1) No significant difference in the body size of F. limnocharis was found at different times in a month. Air temperature was not related to body size, but it showed positive correlation to the active numbers of F. limnocharis in the field. (2) Investigation on the number of active F. limnocharis for 4 days showed that there was significant difference between the activity in the forenoon and afternoon. The number of active F. limnocharis in the forenoon was much lower than that in the afternoon, while body size of F. limnocharis was not significantly different between the forenoon and afternoon. Air temperature was not significantly related to body size, but positively correlated to the number of active F. limnocharis. (3) We analyzed the data of active number between long-term and short-term field investigation using single factor analysis of covariance with air temperature as the covariate, and found that the linear regressions of the two group data showed parallelism, while the intercept differences were significant. Therefore, we conclude that air temperature is a very important ecological factor which affects the number of active F. limnocharis during post-hibernation in the field.
魏洁, 曾夏招, 徐安利, 范海红, 樊晓丽, 丁国骅, 林植华*. 气温对出蛰期泽陆蛙(Fejervarya limnocharis)日间活动的影响[J]. , 2013, 32(1): 104-109.
WEI Jie, ZENG Xia-zhao, Xu An-li, FAN Hai-hong, Fan Xiao-li, DING Gu-wo, LIN Zhi-hua*. The effect of air temperature on diurnal activity of Fejervarya limnocharis during post-hibernation. , 2013, 32(1): 104-109.
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