CHEN Pei, CHEN Guo-zhu, LIN Xiao-tao, XU Zhong-neng
1. Institute of Hydrobiology, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China; 2. Key laboratory for water eutrophication and red-tide control, Department of Education of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510632, China
Mosquito fish,an invasive species,was introduced into mainland China in 1927 and entered Guangzhou during 1960s.The diel feeding rhythm of mosquito fish taken from Ming Lake,an artificial lake in Jinan University in summer,2007 was investigated in this study.Population structure of mosquito fish in summer was very complex,consisting of female,male and larvae fish groups.These feeding groups had different feeding rhythm in this season.Female feeding rhythm showed two peaks at 10:00 and 22:00.The second peak was the highest,and the food in the fish gut was 11.70±11.60 mg and feeding index was 190.22±155.61 at that time.Larvae fish feeding rhythm had two peaks at 6:00 and 18:00,and the highest one peaked at 6:00,when the food in the gut was 1.08±1.09 mg and feeding index was 128.44±105.49.Male fish feeding rhythm had a single peak at 14:00,at which the food in the gut was 0.71±0.96 mg and feeding index was 71.80±107.65.Different feeding rhythms among these three feeding groups could reduce the intra-specific competition.
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